Personalized Program

  Discover how 587+ people have

lost between 20-50 lbs in 90 days


Without faD diets or spending more than 4 hours/week in a gym!





*Billed monthly

Subscribe Now!

✓ Personalized Workout Program

✓ Personalized Meal Plan

✓ Additional Extreme Abs Program

✓ Access To Members Only Community

✓ Home Or Gym Workouts

✓ Video Demonstrations Of Each Exercise

✓ Allergies/Dislikes Blacklist

✓ Diet Preference Choice

✓ Dining Out Option

✓ Track Your Progress

✓ Masterclass Video Trainings

✓ Weekly Challenges With Prizes

✓ Weekly Live Streams

✓ Exclusive Additional Resources

✓ Priority Support

✓ Cancel Anytime

Case Studies

Jasmine Ramos, 35


You read that right! Jasmine had dropped over 100 lbs in The MeisterBody Academy (110 lbs to be exact!).

​However it wasn’t easy for her … prior to joining The MeisterBody Academy, Jasmine had really struggled with nutrition. To keep it short, her nutrition was a disaster. She had no idea what to eat, would binge on junk food most days, and usually went for the most unhealthy options basically on a daily basis. On top of that, she wasn’t very active so as you can imagine she was gaining weight rapidly.

​Furthermore, Jasmine also really struggled with discipline and consistency. For years she could never workout with a consistent routine as she would become so sore and unmotivated after any sort of exercise that she would easily quit.

​Finally, Jasmine also suffers from severe anxiety and bipolar depression disorder. In the last 2 years, Jasmine has found that exercise for her is extremely important for her mental health and dealing with anxiety and depression.

​The very first thing we did once Jasmine joined the academy was to simply get her on a beginner’s workout program built around her goals and lifestyle and clean up her nutrition. Obviously, the support was critical for her to have as well especially in the beginning phases of a new program as she had struggled with consistency and actually going to the gym prior. With just that alone she saw major changes in her body. As she continued to lose weight, we continued to optimize her training, nutrition, and recovery, and fast forward 2 years she’s down over 100 lbs!

Jason Beverly, 45


Jason Beverly joined The MeisterBody Academy in August of 2021 and by December of 2021 he saw a drastic body recomposition and actually went on to compete in his first ever body building show!

Prior to joining The MeisterBody Academy, Jason had a far from optimal diet. Although he was eating "healthy" foods, he wasn’t anywhere near being in an optimal calorie deficit to put his body in a more conducive state to losing fat without starving his guts out & developing huge cravings.

As most people, Jason initially thought that losing fat came down to extreme dieting where you give up your social life and only eat chicken, rice & broccoli for the rest of your life ... WRONG!

We had Jason on a flexible dieting approach which meant he was still able to eat his favourite foods while dropping body fat. We also didn't kill him with cardio as we only utilized cardio when needed into the program since he was already making progress by simply optimizing his training, nutrition and lifestyle factors.

Jason eventually went on to compete in his first EVER body building competition in which he placed 2nd! Prior to starting the program, this was one of his bucket list goals. However he truly thought he was going to place last as he didn't have a clue what to do to get his body stage ready.

Ahmad Badawhi, 19


Ahmad here is a prime example of why you need to maximize your potential as a "newbie". If you are brand new, you have massive potential for growth that may be otherwise wasted if you are sub-optimizing your training and/or nutrition.

Prior to starting The MeisterBody Academy, Ahmad was insecure about how skinny he was. He hated the way he looked and just felt very weak and fragile. He really wanted to bulk up, build some muscle and get stronger which would all ultimately lead to increased confidence in himself.

Ahmad came in starting the program at 53 kg (115 lbs - left photo) and finished off at 64 kg (141 lbs - right photo). Ahmad really milked his newbie gains as he was able to put on 25 lbs of lean mass in just under a year by optimizing his training and nutrition. Yep, you read that right. 25 LBS! Not only was he able to put on a lot of size, his strength shot up drastically...

Ahmad took his squat from 50 kg to 90 kg (110 lbs to 200 lbs), his deadlift from 60kg to 130kg (135 lbs to 285 lbs) and his bench press from never doing it to 85kg (0 lbs to 185 lbs).⠀

Ahmad now has more confidence than he ever had previously and has gained a new respect for himself & his body.

Who is the program for?

The program is primarily for men and women wanting to build muscle or lose fat.

Who it's for?

Men & women aged 18+

Any experience level

Those wanting to build muscle, burn fat or become more active

Those ready to be fully committed to becoming the best versions of themselves

Who it's not for?

✗ Sport-specific coaching (like hockey, tennis, etc)

Excuse makers


Those that are un-coachable or not willing to work hard


A fully tailored training program designed around YOU & YOUR goals. I will customize your very own ongoing gym OR home training program. All exercises have been filmed to demonstrate how to perform them correctly.

✓ Home or Gym Workouts

Workout wherever is most convenient for you with home or gym workout options!

✓ Swap out your exercises

Have an injury? Swap out your exercises anytime!

✓ Workout Log

Track your progress to keep pushing for your personal best!

A fully tailored training program designed around YOU & YOUR goals. I will customize your very own ongoing gym OR home training program. All exercises have been filmed to demonstrate how to perform them correctly.

✓ Home or Gym Workouts

Workout wherever is most convenient for you with home or gym workout options!

✓ Swap out your exercises

Have an injury? Swap out your exercises anytime!

✓ Workout Log

Track your progress to keep pushing for your personal best!


A complete nutrition plan tailored around your needs & goals, schedule and lifestyle which will be updated every month based on your progress. Choose from General, Vegetarian, Vegan, Keto or Dairy Free/Gluten Free meals!

✓ Dine In/Out Option

Want to dine in/out while still hitting your goals? Choose from your favorite restaurants and even combine meals to hit your macro and calorie targets!

✓ Shopping List

Shopping for your plan made easy with a complete shopping checklist!

✓ Allergies/Dislikes Blacklist

Omit any foods you're allergic too or don't like.

A complete nutrition plan tailored around your needs & goals, schedule and lifestyle which will be updated every month based on your progress. Choose from General, Vegetarian, Vegan, Keto or Dairy Free/Gluten Free meals!

✓ Dine In/Out Option

Want to dine in/out while still hitting your goals? Choose from your favorite restaurants and even combine meals to hit your macro and calorie targets!

✓ Shopping List

Shopping for your plan made easy with a complete shopping checklist!

✓ Allergies/Dislikes Blacklist

Omit any foods you're allergic too or don't like.

Included FREE if you join TODAY!

BONUS #1 The MeisterBody Cookbook

In this 100 recipe cookbook, you will gain access to the most popular recipes I've used with my clients in the last several years or recipes that I use on a regular basis. All recipes are protein based with a focus on either fat loss or hypertrophy (building muscle).

The cookbook includes:

✓ 10 Smoothies

✓ 10 Snacks

✓ 10 Desserts

✓ 25 Breakfasts

✓ 20 Lunches

✓ 25 Dinners

All recipes are easy-to-do and most can be done with little to no prep time! All recipes include full calorie and macronutrient breakdowns ($97 value!)

BONUS #2 Mental Wellbeing Video Series

Training your mind is just as important as training your body. That's why with the program you get FREE access to a library of helpful videos designed by professionals to help you understand and improve your mental wellbeing. 

Some of the videos include:

✓ Finding Routines

✓ Coping Mechanisms

✓ The Importance Of Nutrition

✓ The Importance Of Sleep

✓ The Importance Of Recovery

BONUS #3 Exclusive Private Community Membership


Be part of an incredible community & join my member only group where you'll get all the support & motivation you'll need to reach your goals. In this community, you'll find weekly challenges with prizes, weekly live Q&A's & trainings with me, masterclass video series, additional resources, daily motivation and an amazing environment to engage and connect with other members that are on the same path as you.

This community is designed to help you stay on top of your goals and motivate you when you don't feel motivated. Join the movement today.

How will the program help you?

The program will help people learn the principles of hypertrophy (building muscle) and fat loss. Not only will they build muscle or lose body fat, but they will become more motivated and disciplined about their fitness long-term. They will learn how to optimize their training and nutrition and some important lifestyle factors to supplement their progress. They will also understand the importance of taking care of their bodies and how much your fitness is correlated with your quality of life.

What’s your health & fitness ethos?

 It’s all about balance and learning to enjoy the process. Fitness should be something you look forward too, not a chore. Use it to level up all areas of your life.

Reward yourself when you smash your goals. This isn’t a sprint, it’s your life. 


Meet your Trainer

Charlie Meister

Hello! I'm currently 28 years old and have been training since 2012. I specialize in helping men and women build muscle, burn fat and get into the best shape of their lives. I started coaching in 2018 and have qualifications in both personal training and nutrition.

Through my 12+ years of experience with training and nutrition, I've created The MeisterBody Academy. My vision is to help you achieve your fitness goals while educating you on the fundamentals of training, nutrition, and recovery so that you have complete control over your body. Not only will The MeisterBody Academy help you build muscle and burn fat, but it will also serve as a fun and supportive environment to ensure you thrive.

Furthermore, although you will see an incredible physical transformation, one of my main goals is to help you increase your energy levels, your confidence, and most importantly, help you become the best version of yourself.

My Story

Growing up, I was extremely shy and had very little self-confidence. I played soccer at a high level and was always tall so naturally, I was a very lanky kid.

Being so skinny most of my life led to feeling weak and inferior to my peers. I literally felt like a skeleton. It was my biggest insecurity at the time. At this point, I realized I needed to change. I could not live my life like this any longer. I didn't want to be weak and lanky anymore. This is when I started looking into fitness and bodybuilding. My friend dragged me into the gym a couple times and made me take a sports performance class with him. It was incredibly hard at first. I was lifting such a light amount of weight and it felt like everyone was watching me. I was very intimidated at first. I didn't want to be there at all.

After going through the initial pains of being incredibly sore for the first few weeks, I slowly started to see progress in my body after a few months of doing this. As soon as I did, I wanted more. I quickly became addicted to the process and I wanted to get as big as possible as fast as possible.

Then fast forward to my final year of university, I had made a lot of progress in the gym and I had started giving my friends tips on training & nutrition and I loved hearing how it helped them with their own progress.

I then got my level 3 personal training certification alongside a nutrition certification and got a job as a 1-1 in-person gym trainer. I've now been an online PT since 2018 and it's the best decision I've ever made.

Fitness for me has helped me not only build the physique I've always wanted but to gain confidence in myself and have a positive body image. Because I struggled with feeling weak for so long, I needed something that could help me change my body and more importantly upgrade my mindset.

I was so lost at first, following any program I could find on or following workouts from people I looked up to. Although some of it felt like it worked, I didn't really start making serious changes until I began to learn more about training and nutrition and why many things worked and didn't work. I started taking guidance from people that were absolutely killing it at the time. The more I learned about how to build muscle, the easier and clearer it became for me to apply it in the gym. It quickly became such a gratifying feeling when a client would tell me how much stronger or how much more confident they felt about themselves, which motivates me every day to help others completely change their lives and feel amazing about themselves through fitness.

This is what compelled me to get into coaching. Helping others transform their bodies became addicting which eventually propelled to the creation of The MeisterBody Academy.



See some common questions and answers below, or email me at
  • How do I receive the program?

    The program is available both through my app on the App Store or Google Play store as well as my website on the members-only section after you have purchased. Go to the personalized program page, choose a plan, make payment and enter all your personal details and I will start putting together your personalized program! 

  • Is this a subscription based program?

    Yes, you can either do month-to-month or 3/6/12 month package deals (see bundle offers tab). This means the programs are constantly updated with workouts and meals tailored just for you depending on the program of your choosing. Plus continuous support from myself and my team. The beauty of this is that you are not tied in and you can cancel at anytime.

  • Are the programs available world wide?

    Yes! It’s imperative to me that anyone in the world can access this program. Majority of the clients are from Canada, USA, UK, Europe or Australia.

  • Can I do the plan at home?

    Absolutely! We can tailor the plan for you to complete this in your own home if you wish! All you need is a set of weights/dumbbells. You would need to select home only on the set up form. 

  • Refunds and returns.

    For all information on my refunds and returns policy, please see the terms and conditions.

  • How do I cancel?

    To cancel your subscription you must email me with at least 7 days notice so that you are not charged again. Please note that when you cancel all of your workouts, plans, support and guide will be removed from your account. You can cancel at any time you wish - no minimum commitment. 

  • I’m new to the gym - is this good for beginners?

    Absolutely! If you are new to the gym I've got your back! As mentioned, the workouts are 100% based on your personal experience level, lifestyle, and goals. We'll start you at a beginner level and then gradually progress over the weeks and months.

  • Is each month the same?

    No, each month is different! This will involve an increase in weight, intensity, change of exercises or changes in your meal plan that is constantly updated. It's all about continually progressing long-term and breaking any plateaus along the way. You will get a check-in at the end of every month which I will use to update both your workout and meal plans.


Meal + Workout Plan


NOW $50/mo

*Billed monthly

Get Started here

✓ Personalized Workout Program

✓ Personalized Meal Plan

✓ Additional Extreme Abs Program

✓ Access To Members Only Community

✓ Home Or Gym Workouts

✓ Video Demonstrations Of Each Exercise

✓ Allergies/Dislikes Blacklist

✓ Diet Preference Choice

✓ Dining Out Option

✓ Track Your Progress

✓ Masterclass Video Trainings

✓ Weekly Challenges With Prizes

✓ Weekly Live Streams

✓ Exclusive Additional Resources

✓ Priority Support

✓ Cancel Anytime

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